
Slots Archives

Main shortcode to display slots on your site.

[slotsl-game-archives provider="" show_header="" show_button="" per_page="52" show_pagination="" slots="" theme="" type="" megaways="false" order_by="" order=""]
  • provider: Pass a provider slug such as "playnova" to display only slots of that provider. Separate multiple providers by comma to show more than one
  • show_header: Set to false to hide the header (search, providers, and sorting)
  • show_button: Set to false to hide the "Try demo button" overlay
  • per_page: Set the number of slots to show per page
  • show_pagination: Set to false to hide the pagination
  • slots: Accepts a comma separate list of ids , which will make the archives only show the slots that you want.
  • theme: Accepts a comma separate list of theme slugs
  • type: Accepts a comma separate list of type slugs
  • megaways: Boolean, set to true to show only megaways games
  • order_by: Accepts any parameter from by default date
  • order: ASC|DESC by default desc
  • provider_link: Set to false to just show provider name and remove link to lobby

Other settings for archives:

grid: You can also change the default grid number to 6 by adding the following code in your theme's functions.php file:

add_filter('slotsl/grid', function(){

return 'sl-grid-6';


remember filters: By default every time you use a filter it will be remembered in the browser cache. To disable this feature add the following code in your theme's functions.php file:


Providers Archives

Shortcode to show a list of providers and the number of slots of each one

[slotsl-provider-archives per_page="52" slots_url="" provider=""]
  • slots_url: Mandatory field where you need to type your "Games Archives Page" url. Basically, the url where [slotsl-game-archives] shortcode is placed.
  • provider: Pass some provider slugs such as "playnova,ainsworth" to display only those provider or leave empty to show them all

Single Slot

 [slotsl-game slot_id="237406" aff_url=""]
  • slot_id: Mandatory slot ID that you want to display
  • aff_url: If set it will replace the real money url set in the settings page of the plugin


There is one widget available that you could use on your sidebar to display slots

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